There are two types of mushroom, namely:
Black mushroom, the characteristics of black, thin skin (temperature of 28-30 º C)
White mushroom, white color characteristics ebrsih, thick skin (temperature of 31-33 º C)
Raw materials needed divided by two, namely:
The main raw material: straw
Raw and auxiliary: katul, agricultural lime or CaCO3, and CM or chicken manure
Processing stages are:
The main raw material in advance and then moistened main ingredient mixed with auxiliary materials wherewith mixed first. After evenly mixed, stack height with 1.2 m and 1.5 m wide and cover with plastic and left in place for 2-3 days. Once silenced, back and add water if there are still dry hay in the stack was then reassembled and let stand another 2-3 days, and so on samapai into good compost. To get good compost takes ± 10 days. Good quality compost is soft, blackish brown color, water content 73-75% compost and compost pH 8-8.5
Standard entry:
a. thickness of 23-25 cm of compost or 60-70 kg/m2
b. average does not clot
c. cleanliness after entry
d. do carburetion on the edge of a dry compost
e. cover tightly and check for leaks kumbung kumbung
After entry, the vapor entered for 5 hours the air temperature increased gradually until reaching 57-58 º C. Air temperature lowered to 48-50 º C and maintained for 8 hours, then steam channel is closed or turned off.
Penerbaran seeds
Clean environment around kumbung before spreading seed. After pasteurisation let the compost temperature declined slowly until the temperature spreading of seeds between 36-38 º C. One bag of seed can be used to ± 1 m2. When finished clean the back room sow seeds in kumbung. Then close the back door and ventilation in a state meeting.
The aim is to encourage the growth of mycelium evenly on the surface and in the planting medium.
The trick is denganmenjaga room is not dry (carburetion), the humidity remains high (95%). Keeping the floors and walls still wet. Compost temperature is maintained around 37 º C and air approximately 34 º C. Ventilation and the door is closed tightly. Mycelium growth takes approximately 5 hearts / for 5 days do not need peniraman compost, but humidity remained guarded for floors and walls still wet.
Formation of fruit bodies
The goal is to stimulate the growth of fungus mycelium into the fruit bodies are evenly and simultaneously.
The treatment that is needed is after 5 days and then compost watered by ± 1 ½ liters air/m3 and given oxygen by opening vents as needed. Keeping the floors and walls still wet, the humidity remains high (95 º C). With the compost is good and perfect pasteurization process at day 10-11 can already be harvested. The result of normal production can reach 3-4 kg/m2. optimum temperature in the harvest of compost temperature ± 37 º C and air 31 º C.
The aim is to prevent mildew into bloom, wilt, and keep picking the wrong pick mushrooms in a timely manner
You do this by considering whether the fungus has not been tebruka cup. Picking off the shelf at the top to bottom. Avoid picking withdrawn but must be played. Do not rush when memtiknya. Keep the room and compost so as not to dry, the humidity remains high and clean the rest of the stem and fungal decay.
The goal is to clean kumbung of finished compost that has been picked mushrooms to replace the new compost.
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